Organic pigs, Environment, Ecological production, Sustainable production

Regulations for organic pig production

organic pig production

In general, it is understood as organic pig production those food production systems that respect the environment, conserve soil fertility and genetic diversity and promote animal well-being.

Organic agricultural production is carried out through optimal use of local resources, without the application of chemical synthesis products, with restricted use of artificial additives and seeking lasting, economically viable and socially fair agricultural development.

In the European Union, organic agri-food production is defined by Regulation 889/2008 and by Regulation 834/2007, of the Council of Ministers on the production and labeling of organic products, with respect to organic production, its labeling and its control, sets the fundamental technical guidelines.

Today we will emphasize those regulatory precepts that affect pig farms and the ecological lands associated with said production.

Agricultural integration

All organic farms must have land, and this must be available to the animals.

Likewise, the regulation requires that the manure from organic pigs be spread on certified lands. This point, which seems strange, is partly explained if we take into account that organic agricultural production usually has fertilization deficits, since Chemical fertilizers cannot be used, and organic animal droppings could not be allowed to fertilize conventional lands.. Furthermore, this obligation indirectly leads organic pig farms to have certified land.

The maximum livestock load in organic production should not exceed 170 kg N/hectare.

Animal conversion

Every farm that begins or converts to organic pig production must undergo a period of conversion of the land and animals.

The conversion period is the time that passes since a producer registers his farm in organic agricultural production. and, therefore, begins to comply with all regulatory requirements and undergoes the relevant inspections, until their products can be marketed with the hallmarks of organic farming. These periods are explained by the need to adapt the farm and the producer to the new production conditions and are different depending on the type of agricultural surface and the livestock species or productive orientation that is included.


In organic production, priority is given to native and rustic breeds. Even so, the regulations do not prohibit the selection of highly productive and improved breeds. In fact, among European organic pig farms there are both farms that use native breeds from different regions and farms that opt ​​for the typical genetic lines of white pigs.

Most of the European ecological production is from the same races that are used in intensive production, such as Landrace, Large White, Duroc or Pietrain. The election of the breed must be the result of an initial and global reflection, where the reality of the farm where you want to produce, the dimension of the company, the product to be marketed and the target market of the project are taken into account.


All animals that enter a farm must come from other ecological farms. Even so, with breeding purposes only (not fattening) and when there is no sufficient number of ecological animals, se pueden entrar en la explotación un 20% de hembras adultas nulíparas.

Este porcentaje se calcula sobre el total de ganado adulto de la granja. El porcentaje máximo de reposición puede aumentarse hasta el 40%, previa autorización de la autoridad competente, cuando se emprenda una importante ampliación de la explotación, se proceda a un cambio de raza o se use una raza en peligro de abandono (de acuerdo con el anexo IV del Reglamento (CE) núm. 1974/2006, de la Comisión, de 15 de diciembre de 2006, por el que se establecen disposiciones de aplicación del Reglamento (CE) no 1698/2005 del Consejo relativo a la ayuda al desarrollo rural a través del Fondo Europeo Agrícola de Desarrollo Rural)


In general, it is established that Ecological cattle should be fed from stages and ecological raw materials that meet the nutritional needs of animals in the various stages of their development.

In ecological pig production, piglets must be fed with breast milk, with preference on natural milk, for a minimum period of 40 days.

Facilities conditions

Ecological production widely respects the well -being of animals and this translates, among other things, in low densities in the stables and in facilities that allow pigs to develop their natural instincts.

All animals must have minimal covered surfaces and minimum outdoor surfaces, which in turn can be partially covered.

At the same time, the maximum grid is also limited. Therefore, the typical intensive farms that have the entire surface with grid and the slurry pit underneath are prohibited in ecological swine production.

In organic farming, animals cannot be kept in cages, Not even during lactation. To avoid high neonatal mortality, it is very important to design the paridera well.


Reproduction in ecological swine production should be as natural as possible. Even so, The regulation expressly allows artificial insemination.

Other reproduction methods are excluded, such as embryo transfer or cloning.

Hormone administration for reproductive control is prohibited.


In general, Tail and teeth cut in piglets is prohibited in ecological production.

Even so, for hygienic and security reasons, the competent authorities may authorize the case by case to the producers who request to cut the tail or file the fangs of the piglets.

The castration of piglets at certain ages and under adequate conditions is allowed in ecological production.


Animal health in ecological production is based on preventive methods, such as the selection of appropriate breeds or lines, livestock management practices, high quality feed and exercise, appropriate livestock charges, adequate stable and good hygienic conditions.

Only with longer lactations, less density in the stables and the obligation to have patio and materials to have a significant improvement of well -being, which in turn translates into a better health state, a more reinforced immune system and less predisposition to suffer secondary diseases.

If despite the measures preventive taken to watch over your health Animals get sick or they are injured, they will be treated immediately and, if necessary, They will be isolated and will be accommodated as it is due.

Preference for treatment is given to phytotherapeutic and homeopathic products and the trace elements.

In any case, if the application of the aforementioned measures is not effective in healing a disease or injury and it is essential to administer a treatment that avoids sufferings or disorders to animals, alopatic veterinary medications of chemical or antibiotic synthesis can be used under the responsibility of a veterinarian.

With the exception of vaccinations, antiparasitic treatments and mandatory eradication programs, when an animal or a group of animals receives more than three treatments with allopathic veterinary medications of chemical or antibiotic synthesis in a period of 12 months (reproductive and veracos sows), or more than a treatment if their productive life cycle is less than one year (fattened pigs) qualification.

In addition, the waiting time between the last administration of the allopathic veterinary medicine to an animal and its sacrifice will double in relation to the legal waiting time or, in case that period is not specified, it will be 48 hours.

Regarding cleaning and disinfection, in livestock premises and facilities, only cleaning and disinfection products that are authorized to be used in ecological production may be used.

In Luis Gil We comply with all regulations on current ecological pig production. With this, our pigs live happy and provide us with a great quality meat with which we make our sausages and fresh ecological meats.

3 thoughts on “Regulations for organic pig production

  1. Rafael says:

    Good morning,
    I am Spanish living in France and I would be interested in buying ecological pigs.
    Would it be possible to visit a stable to see the living conditions of pigs?
    A cordial greeting

  2. Sausages Luis Gil says:

    Hi Rafael,

    Distress your email to our commercial department to contact you as soon as possible.

    Thank you very much for your interest in our products.

    All the best.

  3. Gustavo Toscano says:

    Good morning:

    From Colombia I communicate, in addition to what is expressed about the regulations in the ecological production that other parameters are to highlight in case of establishing an ecological piara with a view to venturing the European Union market.

    I appreciate the attention to the present because I am responsible for the planning of the environmental management of the pigs and I would like to be able to point out the pros of European regulations that allow being proactive and to be able to enter the European market with an excellent product.

    Cordial greeting

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