
#DesnudaLaFruta do you want to participate?

Strawberries in trays and packaged, apples, eggplants, tomatoes... every day we find ourselves in the supermarket with endless products packaged in plastic.

What can we do to reduce this unnecessary use of so much plastic?

Isa from the blog “The Gaia hypothesis“, the components of “Living without plastic” and the Facebook group “Strip the fruit"have launched the movement #NakedTheFruit. A campaign that aims to denounce the abusive use of plastics in supermarkets.

This campaign began last February and will last until supermarkets change food packaging, avoiding the unnecessary use of plastic.

How can we participate in #DesnudaLaFruta?

How to participate #DesnudaLaFruta

  1. Take a photo with your cell phone when you see a packaged fruit or vegetable.
  2. Share it on your social profiles y duck in the publication the hastag #NakedTheFruit.
  3. Tag the supermarket where you took the photo and add a comment that explains the way or way to avoid that photographed container.

How can you avoid this type of packaging?

  1. Buy at “neighborhood” markets or fruit shops
    In these types of establishments, they can put all the fruit in the same bag or use your own cloth bag.
  2. Don't take bags
    In many cases we choose the fruit we want, we put it in a bag, we weigh it and then we stick a label with its price, weight, code, etc... In many cases (especially if it is large pieces of fruit or vegetables) we can Avoid the bag by directly sticking the label on one of the pieces of fruit.
  3. Reusable bags
    They are bags that can be used as many times as you want, with different products and they weigh very little, so they are perfect for shopping.
  4. Avoid using plastic gloves
    No matter how many hands they have passed through, fruit and vegetables should always be washed before eating them, therefore, it is an unnecessary use of plastic.

If you want more information you can collaborate or receive in the Facebook group: Bare the Fruit

And remember to share your photos on all your social profiles with the hashtag #DesnudaLaFruta! The more there are, the greater the impact we will have!