TheSpanish Society of Organic Agriculture/Agroecology (SEAE)has compiled a series of scientific arguments, published over the last 15 years, that support the environmental, health and social contributions of organic production.
The evidence was presented by Dr. Mª Dolores Raigón, vice president of SEAE and renowned scientist in the field of organic food.EEAS invites public accession of this document, which are already supported by more than 40 organizations (including Vida Sana) representing theorganic production sectoras well as environmental entities from throughout the Spanish State.

Is organic farming more environmentally friendly? Is the current food production model sustainable? Are organic foods healthier…?
These are some of the questions most frequently raised when talking about organic production. But the answers, not always, are the most accurate or accurate with reality. Thus,the Spanish Society of Organic Agriculture/Agroecology (SEAE)has prepared a compilation document that includes studies and research on the main contributions of organic production to three areas: to the environment, to people's health and food quality, and to a more just and equitable society.
This article is based mainly on meta-analyses published during the last 15 years. It presents a list of scientific arguments that can serve as a tool to counteract biased (or outright false) messages againstorganic production, at all levels: from the consumer, to producers, research or even the major media. “It is about ensuring that any person or group, directly or indirectly related to organic production, has arguments that scientifically demonstrate the environmental, social and health contributions of organic production”, comment from the SEAE.
To date, an internal call has been made and there are already more than fifty entities that support the preparation and publication of this document and have confirmed their adherence to it. There is a varied representation from both academia and producer companies or environmental organizations, which you can consult at the end of the document. After its public presentation, on June 7, any entity that wishes can add its support to this article.
Dr. Mª Dolores Raigón, vice president of SEAE and renowned scientist from the Higher Technical School of Agronomic and Natural Environment Engineering of the Polytechnic University of Valencia, was in charge of presenting, for the first time to the public, this document that compiles scientific evidence and on which the SEAE has been working for a long time. And she did it within the framework of Organic Food Iberia, at IFEMA-Feria Madrid.
“To demonstrate the benefits ofecological agriculture and livestockAs a sustainable alternative to the industrial agriculture model, we have considered it necessary to collect high-impact scientific contributions that, on the one hand, generate a base of technical knowledge regarding the improvement in production, and, on the other, offer evidence to counteract those arguments that try to discredit ecological production methods”Raigón pointed out.
Fuente:Healthy lifestyle