Organic sausages

Are homemade sausages less safe than commercial ones?

Organic chorizo

A recent outbreak of trichinosis caused by the consumption of meat from a pig slaughtered without sanitary control has put the spotlight on the safety of home-made foods.

Homemade foods may have many virtues, but they are less safe than commercial foods, since the controls carried out in the industry are not applied in the domestic environment. This does not mean that "homemade" is synonymous with unsafe, but it is necessary to take into account a series of considerations to try to reduce the risks associated with the consumption of this type of product.

We tend to believe that homemade sausages are safer than commercial ones because they are “more natural” and no “strange things” are added. And when someone questions your safety,We say that “it has always been done this way and nothing has ever happened.” However, the reality is different.To begin with, “natural” is not synonymous with “safe”; Just think about toxic mushrooms. In addition, there are other topics that are not met. For example, “strange things” are often added to homemade sausages, such as nitrifying salts, that is, nitrites that prevent the growth of pathogenic bacteria such asClostridium botulinum.And that is not something recent. It was already done in Ancient Rome.

Risks in domestic pork

One of the most important risks that we can find in pork raised in a domestic environment is the presence of a parasite calledTrichinella, especially ofT. spiralis, a worm-shaped nematode about 2-4 mm in length that causes a disease calledtriquinosis. This pathology manifests itself initially with symptoms such as abdominal pain, diarrhea and vomiting and, later, with muscle pain and general discomfort; In addition, it can be fatal if not treated in time.

Fortunately, its presence in meat can be easily detected by visual inspection with the help of a microscope. This is one of the reasons whyIt is mandatory to notify the veterinary services before carrying out a domestic slaughter.

But that's not the point. Domestic pork can also be contaminated with other parasites such asToxoplasma gondii, a protozoan that is transmitted through contact with contaminated cat feces. This organism is the cause oftoxoplasmosis, a disease that is generally mild but can cause serious damage or even be fatal in fetuses and immunosuppressed people.

The most effective method to eliminate parasites that may be present in meat is to heat it until all parts of the piece reach 72ºC, but this is something that is not usually done with sausages (remember that they are made with raw meat). . That is why they are the foods that are usually associated with this type of illness. In this case, freezing (at least ten days at -24 ºC) is capable of eliminating parasites, but does not kill pathogenic bacteria such asListeria monocytogenes. This, specifically, is the cause of thelisteriosis, a rare but very serious disease, especially in the case of pregnant women, as it can cause miscarriages or leave serious consequences for the future baby.

As you can see, homemade sausages are not always the safest or healthiest. If you want homemade, artisan, organic sausages with all the food safety controls carried out; Try Luis Gil's organic sausages. Its flavor will not leave you indifferent.
