organic chorizo, Duroc, Organic sausages, Organic sausages Luis Gil, Gastronomy

How to prepare the perfect sustainable charcuterie board for Christmas

A estas alturas ya habrás visto muchas tablas de embutidos en Instagram y quizá te hayas preguntado cómo podrías preparar tú una que quede igual de bonita y apetecible. Sigue leyendo y entérate de cómo montar tu propia tabla de embutidos, por supuesto, ecológicos y sostenibles, paso a paso.

Sin duda son un aperitivo perfecto para las comidas y cenas navideñas ya que gustan a todos, pueden sacarte de más de un apuro y además puedes prepararla con antelación.

Toma nota de los pasos a seguir.

1. La tabla

El primer paso es elegir bien la tabla o el soporte que utilizarás para crear tu tabla de embutidos.

Personally, we prefer natural materials such as wood (olive, acacia, bamboo...) or stone (ceramic, marble, slate...) or even a combination of both and of course we advise against unsustainable materials such as plastic.

As for the size and shape, you decide, there are a thousand and one possibilities: round, rectangular, elongated, with organic shapes, with or without handles...

2. Small plates and bowls

As a complement to the table where you will place the ingredients, you will need small plates and bowls to put other foods or sauces and condiments that accompany the sausage.

Opta por la sencillez, no incluyas demasiados y elige la mayoría en tonos neutros y transparentes y solo alguno con un toque de color para que no resulte demasiado recargado visualmente.

3. El embutido

Elige una selección de cuatro o cinco tipos de embutidos diferentes. Opta por un embutido de calidad.

Puedes elegir entre nuestra gran variedad de embutidos artesanales ecológicos elaborados a partir de nuestra ganadería de cerdos Duroc, criados en libertad en nuestra finca ‘El Encinar’, en el Valle de Ocón en plena Reserva Mundial de la Biosfera de La Rioja.

We recommend our favorite selection: organic Duroc Ham, organic Extra cured Loin and the traditional version of our organic Extra Salchichón and Extra Chorizo.

You can buy it already sliced ​​so that you only have to place it on the board.

If you do not have the sliced ​​meat available, you must cut it yourself into very thin slices.

4. What else to include in a charcuterie board?

You will be the one who decides what to include and what not to include in your charcuterie board, but below we detail a series of foods that complement and accompany cured meats perfectly:

  • Cheeses: try including different types and textures... Cured, soft, blue, smoked... The possibilities are endless
  • Breads: try to have different types and different shapes... Village bread, rolls, picos, crackers, crackers...
  • Pickles: olives, gherkins, capers...
  • Pâtés: different flavors and textures…
  • Nuts: walnuts, almonds, pistachios, hazelnuts...
  • Jams and jams: both sweet and savory, pesto…
  • Vegetables: carrot sticks, cherry tomatoes, cucumber...
  • Fresh and/or dehydrated fruit: grapes, figs, dried apricots, raisins...

5. How do I set up my charcuterie board?

First, place the bowls and small plates where you will include foods such as pâtés, soft cheeses, pickles, sauces or jams...

Fill the empty spaces with the sausage and the rest of the ingredients (cheese, bread, fruit, etc.).

Roll the sausage slices so that they look prettier and take up less space.

Cut the cheese into different shapes.

Pay attention to the composition of shapes and colors and try to make it balanced and well distributed.

And voila, you now have your charcuterie board, ready to enjoy!