This August we have two important appointments with organic food consumers in Asturias and the Basque Country.
Agri-Food Fair of Organic Products of Asturias
From August 5 to 7 we will be at the Agri-Food Fair of Organic Products of Asturias (FAPEA), one of our favorite fairs. There we will exhibit and give our organic meats and sausages a chance to taste to all attendees along with producers from all over Spain.
This year it celebrates its twentieth edition, recovering full normality after the pandemic, recovering activities such as tastings, showcookings, children's activities, tapas competitions...
FAPEA, focused exclusively on certified organic products, organizes in parallel a Cattle Exhibition Competition that this year has the little ones as protagonists since more than twenty children from the council will participate in livestock activities as “little handlers” of cattle. The City Council thus aims to involve new generations in the livestock world and highlight the importance of ecological agriculture and livestock farming as tools to combat rural depopulation and climate change.
Lfallow: Llanera Fairgrounds
Dates and time: August 5, 6 and 7, from 11:00 a.m. to 8:30 p.m., except on August 7 when the fair closes at 4:30 p.m.
Organized by: COPAE Asturias, Llanera City Council.

Zarautz Organic Agricultural Fair
As every year, with the arrival of summer, summer ecological fairs are held in different parts of the Basque Country. They are organized by village consumer groups and national associations in favor of organic production, such as Bionekazaritza of Álava, Ekolur of Bizkaia and Biolur of Gipuzkoa. The objective of the fairs is to make organic foods visible and make visible the existing diversity and quality.
So on August 19, our eco products will also be present at the Zarautz Ecological Agricultural Fair where attendees will be able to taste them, buy them and learn a little more about our organic agriculture, livestock and production project in the Ocón Valley, in La Rioja.
Place: Support of Old Laws
Time:From 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
Organize: Biolur and Stunting of Zarautz